Three relay running teams and three single runners assembled and rise to the challenge of this year’s Campus Lauf on July 4th at Paderborn University.
Matthias Pukrop finished the distance of 5 km in 25:04 minutes.
Tim Bartley (46:16 min) and Bettina Krüger (47:50 min) ran the 10 km distance.
For the relay over a distance of 4 x 2.5 km three teams finished successfully:
“Theoreticians”: Andreas Nikitin, Alexander Trautmann, Simone Lange, Matvei Ryabinin, time: 45:30 min
“Ultrafast Many-body Propagation”: Matthias Pukrop, Xuekai Ma, Chuanding Dong, Stefan Schumacher, time: 45:51 min
„GeParderSprinter“: Jano Gil Lopez, Tim Bartley, Evan Meyer-Scott, Thomas Nitsche, time 47:54 min
Congratulations to all the runners!