Im­per­fect and en­tangled: quantum tele­port­a­tion with quantum dots Pub­lic­a­tion in Nature Part­ner journ­al "Quantum In­form­a­tion”

 |  TRR 142 - Maßgeschneiderte nichtlineare Photonik: Von grundlegenden Konzepten zu funktionellen Strukturen

Prof. Dr. Klaus Jöns (CRC member) together with an international team of researchers, has succeeded in realising so-called quantum teleportation with the help of "imperfect quantum dots". The results show that the strict requirements for ideal photon sources can be relaxed and suggest that such quantum dots will play an important role in future quantum communication applications. The study has now been published in Quantum Information, a journal in the Nature series.

Link to publication:

See the press release here.

Prof. Dr. Klaus Jöns
Symbolbild (Universität Paderborn, Besim Mazhiqi)
Prof. Dr Klaus Jöns, Photonic Quantum Systems Institute, Paderborn University. Image Photo Credit: The Moon -