Tem­por­al con­trol of light emis­sion for the first time - Pub­lic­a­tion in Com­mu­nic­a­tions Phys­ics form pro­ject A02

 |  TRR 142 - Maßgeschneiderte nichtlineare Photonik: Von grundlegenden Konzepten zu funktionellen Strukturen

The research of Prof. Dr. Torsten Meier (A02, UPB), Prof. Dr. Ilya Akimov (A02, TU Do) and their collaborating scientists from the University of Würzburg were successful about controlling ‘photon echoes’.

For more information, find the press release from UPB  here.

For more information, find the press release from TU DO here.

Find the whole article here.

Photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): Scientists have succeeded for the first time in specifically controlling the photon echo using laser pulses (symbolic photo).
Torsten Meier (A02, UPB) & Ilya Akimov (A02, TU Do)