TRR 142-3 Work­shop in Bad Sas­sen­dorf

 |  TRR 142 - Maßgeschneiderte nichtlineare Photonik: Von grundlegenden Konzepten zu funktionellen Strukturen


Scientific exchange and mutual presentation of project results were reason enough for around 80 members of TRR 142 to meet for the second workshop this year on November 28th and 29th, 2022 in Bad Sassendorf.

It is the third and final funding period of the TRR 142, and in her opening statement, Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn emphasised how crucial the work of the young researchers is for the TRR 142. She congratulated four of them on their successful defense of their PhD thesis in 2022: Dr. Laura Padberg, Dr. Jan Mundry, Dr. Hendrik Rose and Dr. Michal Kobecki.

The highlights of the workshop were the presentations by the invited speakers Prof. Dr. Christopher Gies from the University of Bremen who spoke about "Quantum Technology Applications for Semiconductor-Cavity-QED Systems in the NISQ era", and Prof. Dr. Armando Rastelli (Johannes Keppler University Linz, Austria) who gave a lecture on "Semiconductor quantum dots as sources and carriers of quantum information".


Part of the scientific programme was a poster session with 20 poster presentations showing the results of the past months. For the first time, the three best posters were awarded at the workshop.

Mario Littmann, Filippo Velli and Vincent Latko won first prize for their concise and detailed presentation of "Subcycle nonlinearities of ultrastrong light-matter coupling" associated with Project B08.

The second prize went to the group around Ioannis Caltzidis, who presented the results from the C08 project: "Hybrid lithium niobate on insulator Quantum Photonic Integrated Circuit".

The third prize was won by Dr. Hendrik Rose, who showed a "Damping Mechanisms in Multi-Wave Mixing on Quantum Dot Ensembles" (project A2). Just a few weeks ago, Hendrik received his doctorate “summa cum laude” after studying from a bachelor’s degree to a doctorate in less than seven years only.

Thanks to everyone involved. See you at the next TRR 142-workshop!

The complete scientific programme can be downloaded here.

Invited talks. The guest Speakers and their hosts: Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn (UPB), Prof. Dr. Armando Rastelli, Prof. Dr. Klaus Jöns (UPB), Prof. Dr. Christopher Gies, Prof. Dr. Stefan Schumacher (UPB)
1st prize at the Best Poster Award 2022: Mario Littmann, Vincent Latko
2nd prize: Ioannis Caltzidis
3rd prize: Dr. Hendrik Rose