Trans­re­g­ion­al Col­lab­or­at­ive Re­search Centre TRR 142 Tail­or-made non-lin­ear photon­ics

From fundamental concepts to functional structures

Our goal is the research, development and construction of non-linear photonic systems. We utilise state-of-the-art technological capabilities to explore new physical properties and devices based on tailored strong nonlinearities and real quantum effects.

We want to bring nonlinear optical and quantum effects from the stage of basic physical research into application.


Pro­ject areas

The research programme of the CRC/Transregio 142 combines the core competencies of Paderborn University in the fields of photonic materials, solid-state technology, quantum optics and theory with those of TU Dortmund University in nonlinear spectroscopy and instrumentation. It focuses on tailoring nonlinear interactions such as frequency conversion processes, the control of quantum systems, light emission and propagation, and nonlinearities at the single-photon level.

Project area A: Light-matter interaction

Project Area B: Materials and Technology

Project area C: Quantum applications



Pader­born phys­i­cists de­vel­op new sol­ar cell

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To­po­lo­gic­al edge and corner states in coupled wave lat­tices in non­lin­ear po­lari­ton con­dens­ates

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Swing-up dy­nam­ics in quantum emit­ter cav­ity sys­tems: Near ideal single photons and en­tangled photon pairs

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Quantum re­search for the world of to­mor­row

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In­ter­na­tion­al work­shop on En­gin­eer­ing of Quantum Emit­ter Prop­er­ties (EQEP) at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

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Mak­ing quantum tech­no­lo­gies tan­gible: New re­search pro­ject of­fers in­ter­act­ive edu­ca­tion­al pro­gramme for Gen­er­a­tion Z

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On-De­mand In­dis­tin­guish­able and En­tangled Photons Us­ing Tailored Cav­ity Designs

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Suc­cess­ful TRR 142-3 work­shop in Bad Sas­sen­dorf

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Prof Dr Thomas Zent­graf ap­poin­ted as new spokes­per­son of TRR 142

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In a nut­shell



Photon­ics Lec­tures

Pro­found. Equal. In­clus­ive: the Early-Ca­reer-Sup­port with­in the TRR 142

Equity and the specific promotion of female researchers is key to what we do. We want to support young female scientists to be naturally confident and inspire others to follow their steps.

We want to encourage aspiring young researchers to gain early experience at scientific conferences. With the TRR 142-Travel Grant-Scheme, female students within their Bachelor’s or Master’s programmes are invited to go their first steps within the scientific community.  .

We support our female PhD-students and PostDocs with a tailored Empowerment-Coaching.

The international workshop PHOTONICS FUTURE. Profound | Equal | Inclusive invites all TRR 142-affiliated early career researchers – female and male – to learn from renowned female scientist about their research and career paths.

Equal op­por­tun­it­ies. How we do it.

Learn more
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Prof. Dr. Thomas Zent­graf

Paderborn University

Prof. Dr. Christine Sil­ber­horn

Spokesperson, until 31.12.2023
Paderborn University

Prof. Dr. Man­fred Bay­er

Deputy Spokesperson
TU Dortmund University

Dirk Wald­hoff


+49 5251 60-2701

Paderborn University
Physics Department
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

Room ST 0.332

Dirk Bobe


+49 5251 60-2932

Paderborn University
Physics Department
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

Room ST 0.332