Ex­cel­lence Award for Dr Hendrik Rose

Dr Hendrik Rose has been awarded a prize for his outstanding dissertation “Theoretical Analysis of the Interaction between Semiconductor Nanostructures and Quantum Light: From Single Pulses to Four-Wave Mixing“.

As part of the New Year’s reception on January 15th, 2023, Prof Dr Johannes Blömer, Vice President for Research and Junior Academics, highlighted Hendrik’s work on the interaction of three-level systems and semiconductor quantum wells with quantum light.

The Paderborn University’s Young Scientists‘ Award, worth 2000€, is given in various fields for excellent scientific research.

Hendrik was involved and strongly contributed to the DFG-RSF project “Semiconductor quantum wells excited by non-classical states of light: Interplay between photonic quantum correlations and many-body interactions in solid state systems” and to the A02 project "Nonlinear spectroscopy of semiconductor nanostructures with quantum light" of the TRR 142.

Within his dissertation work, he predicted how to control the emission time of photon echo originating from four-wave mixing on ensembles of semiconductor quantum dots in agreement with experiments performed at TU Dortmund.

We gladly congratulate Hendrik on his achievements and wish him the best of success for his new position within the Institute for photonic quantum systems (PhoQS) at Paderborn University.


Photo (Paderborn University, Jennifer Bounoua): Prof Dr Johannes Blömer (left), Vice President for Research and Junior Academics, awarded prizes for excellent dissertations to: (from left to right): Dr Raschid Abedin, Dr Marius Dörner, Dr Philipp Dierks und Dr Hendrik Rose.