Ex­perts on Mo­lecu­lar Beam Epi­taxy from all over Ger­many met in Pader­born

 |  TRR 142 - Maßgeschneiderte nichtlineare Photonik: Von grundlegenden Konzepten zu funktionellen Strukturen

More than 80 participants visited the German-MBE-Workshop 2015 in Paderborn on September 21/22th to discuss the latest developments in Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE).

This method which is of particular importance in the field of semiconductor technology allows the fabrication of thin layers with accuracies better than an atomic layer. Besides its importance in technology this method plays a prominent role in basic research because it allows the fabrication of materials and heterostructures of extreme purity.

As the method is intensively practiced in Paderborn, amongst others in the groups of the SFB-TRR 142 members Prof. Dr. Donat As, Prof. Dr. Cedrik Meier and Prof. Dr. Dirk Reuter, this workshop offered a great opportunity for networking and the scientific exchange with national and international experts.

The scientific program consisted of 24 talks on quantum dots, modern materials such as graphene, functional oxides, nanowires, nitride-semiconductors and heterostructures. Moreover, guided laboratory tours were performed to give the participants the opportunity to exchange knowhow on-site in the lab.

Another part of the program was the open discussion on the topic: ”Growth Rate Determination in MBE”. This topic was illuminated from different sides by experts in three kick-off talks which resulted in a lively discussion.

In the accompanying well-attended industrial exhibition 19 national and international exhibitors presented state-of-the-art products and trends in the field of Molecular Beam Epitaxy.

The program was completed by a conference dinner in the “Schützenhof” where the networking and discussions were continued in an informal atmosphere.

The organizers, Prof. Dr. Donat As, Prof. Dr. Cedrik Meier and Prof. Dr. Dirk Reuter thank all the participants for their commitment.

Next year, the workshop will take place at the Walter-Schottky-Institute of the Technical University of Munich.

participants of the MBE Workshop 2015 in Paderborn