
Ex­per­i­mentelle Physik VI at TU Dortmund Uni­ver­sity lead by Prof. Mirko Cinchetti (Pro­ject A08 of the TRR142) as host of the EC­MolS20

PI of project A08 Prof. Mirco Cinchetti and his group Experimentelle Physik VI at TU Dortmund organize the "European Conference on Molecular Spintronics 2020" - Save the Date: 29th September to 2nd October 2020

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Pub­lic­a­tion in Nature Com­mu­nic­a­tions - Ul­tra­fast switch­ing of an op­tic­al bit

Researchers from Paderborn University and Technical University Dortmund have now realized an all-optical bit that is temporarily written into a planar semiconductor nanostructure only using light and that can also be reconfigured only using optical techniques. Besides the fundamental interest, this new approach carries promise for future optoelectronic application schemes. The results are now published in the scientific journal “Nature…

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Op­tics Ex­press Pub­lic­a­tion on Counter-propagat­ing Photon Pair Gen­er­a­tion - Ed­it­ors' Pick

The Publication on Counter-propagating Photon Pair Generation form Project CO2 and B05 has been choosen as Editors' Pick

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CRC spe­cial edi­tion Col­lab­or­at­ive Re­search Centres at UPB - Re­volu­tion in data com­mu­nic­a­tion

From physical fundamental research to key technology in the 21th century CRC TRR142 "Tailored Nonlinear Photonics: From Fundamental Concepts to Functional Structures" introduces himself and illustrates his reasearch in simple terms.

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A periodically modulated optical laser and a periodically modulated acoustic wave

"Con­trol­lable high-speed po­lari­ton waves in a PT-sym­met­ric lat­tice" - Dr. Xuekai Ma at the ICFO Bar­celona (Sep 2019)

Sep 2019 - Dr. Xuekai Ma visited with Prof. Yaroslav Kartashov the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) in Barcelona, Spain. Collaboration on a novel concept to achieve parity-time (PT) symmetry in exciton-polaritons in a semiconductor micro resonator

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Pader­born Photon­ics Lec­ture - 4.12.2019 Hör­saal O2 16:15 - Vor­trag Prof. Dr. Huber

Titel: Ultrafast single-molecule videography and choreography - Prof. Dr. Rupert Huber - University of Regensburg

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Ex­change with our pro­ject part­ner in China

Exchange with our project partner in China - Prof. Zentgraf (Project leader in the TRR142) visits the Beijing Institute of Technology in Beijing (China)

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Sketch of the planar semiconductor microcavity.

Vor­tex Multista­bil­ity and Bessel Vor­tices in Po­lari­ton Con­dens­ates – a pub­lic­a­tion in the Phys­ic­al Re­view Let­ters about…

Using tailored and ringshaped laser profiles, TRR researchers demonstrate the existence of a vortex multistability in a planar optically driven semiconductor micro resonator.

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Schematics of the novel quantum optical circuitry. Download (229 KB)

A nov­el cir­cuitry for quantum photon­ics - Pub­lic­a­tion in Sci­ence Ad­vances about two photons which meet on a single chip

Publication in Science Advances about two photons which meet on a single chip Physicists from the University of Paderborn have for the first time succeeded in realizing the key building blocks of quantum photonics, the full Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment showing the bunching of two single photons on a single chip. This is an important step for establishing the new quantum technology. It is needed e.g. for synchronization of quantum communications,…

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Con­grat­u­la­tions to Chris­tof Eign­er (B05) on suc­cess­fully de­fend­ing his Ph.D. thes­is

On the 7th of March Christof Eigner defended his PhD thesis - project B05

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Prof. Dr. Thomas Zentgraf

Phys­i­cist from Pader­born among the world­wide highly cited re­search­ers

Clarivate Analytics, known for their internet platform Web-of-Science, announces the Highly Cited Researchers List 2018, a list of elite scientists and social scientists identified through analysis of highly cited papers (those ranking in the top 1% by citations for field and year). This year, for the first time, Clarivate Analytics has introduced a new Cross-Field category to identify researchers with substantial influence across several fields…

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We con­grat­u­late Dr. Dirk Hein­ze (A03) for a suc­cess­ful PhD viva!

Congratulations to dirk Heinze (project A03) on successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis

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Markus All­gaier (C01) suc­cess­fully de­fends his Ph.D. thes­is

On the 17th of December Markus Allgaier (project C01) successfully defended his PhD thesis

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Prof. Thomas Zentgraf and the graduates.

Com­mence­ment Ce­re­mony 2018 - Con­grat­u­la­tions to gradu­ates in the TRR142

Congratulations to graduates in the TRR142 - Felicitats Walter successfully finished her PhD - Daniel Frese finshed his master thesis and joined the TRr as Phd

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Photograph (Oksana Schmidt): Prof. Dr. Wolf Gero Schmidt, Universität Paderborn

Nu­mer­ic­al sim­u­la­tions that go bey­ond the mo­lecu­lar movie: Chem­ic­al bond form­a­tion in real time

A major breakthrough in the measurement and understanding of the electronic structure changes during chemical reactions has been achieved by a team of physicists led by Martin Wolf (Fritz-Haber-Institut Berlin) and Wolf Gero Schmidt (Universität Paderborn). The researchers were able to monitor for the first time the redistribution of electrons during a chemical reaction in real time. The corresponding driving forces and mechanisms could be…

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CEWQO 2019 at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

Prof. Silberhorn's (PI in project B05, C01 and C02) IQO group is proud to host the Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics 2019 (CEWQO 2019).

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Foto (Universität Paderborn, Johannes Pauly): Der Vorstand der AG Physikalische Praktika (v. l.) Prof. Dr. Hanno Käß, Hochschule Esslingen, Dr. Clemens Nagel, Universität Wien, Dr. Torsten Hehl, Universität Tübingen, Dr. Rüdiger Scholz, Universität Hannover, und Dr. Marc Sacher, Universität Paderborn, zusammen mit dem Sprecher des Departments Physik Prof. Dr. Dirk Reuter (4. v. r.), Physik-Prof. Dr. Cedrik Meier (Universität Paderborn, 2. v. r.) und dem Vizepräsidenten der Universität Paderborn, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Schöppner.

44th PLT In­tern­ship Lead­ers' Con­fer­ence 2018 at the Uni­ver­sity of Pader­born: Ex­per­i­ments in­spired phys­i­cists from Ger­many, Aus­tria and…

Die 44. Praktikumsleitertagung PLT 2018 der AG Physikalische Praktika (AGPP) der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG) fand in diesem Jahr am Department Physik der Universität Paderborn statt. Die jährliche Tagung, die jeweils von einer anderen Universität ausgerichtet wird, dient dem Erfahrungsaustausch zu einer der zentralen Lehrveranstaltungen im Physikstudium: den Laborpraktika. In diesen Lehrveranstaltungen werden Studierende an die…

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...and the team “GeParderSprinter”

15 phys­i­cists of the TRR142 show off their sporti­ness

Three relay running teams and three single runners assembled and rise to the challenge of this year’s Campus Lauf on July 4th at Paderborn University.

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From: Nature Communications (2018) 9:2890, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-05229-x: GaAs-Wannier-Stark-localization

Femto­seconds and Mega­volts al­low the real­iz­a­tion of Wan­ni­er-Stark loc­al­iz­a­tion in Gal­li­um Ar­sen­ide

Scientists from the Universities of Konstanz and Paderborn have succeeded in realizing and proving the so-called Wannier-Stark localization for the first time in a high-purity bulk gallium arsenide crystal manufactured at ETH Zurich. Physicists have overcome hurdles that have long been considered insurmountable in the field of optoelectronics and photonics. With this breakthrough, they have made it into "Nature Communications". Project A02 and…

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Vahid An­sari (C01) suc­cess­fully de­fends his Ph.D. thes­is

Vahid Ansari (project C01) successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis.

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