
Dmitri Yakovlev & Ilya Akimov

OEC­S17 - Ex­per­i­ment­al Phys­ics II (TU Dortmund) as host - Re­gis­tra­tion is open - late news sub­mis­sion pos­sible

OECS 17 is coming soon (30th of August to 2nd of September 2021) - Registration is open - late news submission for poster presentation is possible - conference program is available from 10th July Register now!

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Der Paderborner Prof. Klaus Jöns findet Quantenphysik "spicy". (Foto: Quantum Flagship)

Quantum Phys­ics in one word: Spicy!

World Quamtum Day on April the 14th! - See a movie about describing quantum physics in one word! Prof. Jöns says "spicy"

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Today is world quantum day!!!

Today is world quantum day - get more information about it

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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity sup­ports TRR142 with new new high res­ol­u­tion X-ray dif­fracto­met­er

Paderborn University supports TRR142 with new high resolution X-ray diffractometer to optimize their research

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Aless­andro Fer­reri suc­cess­fully de­fen­ded his PhD thes­is. Con­grat­u­la­tions, Dr. Fer­reri!

25.03.2021 Alessandro successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Spectral engineering in multiphoton linear and nonlinear interferometry: the importance of being multimode".

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Nonlinear plasmonic metasurface for color holography. Rotation symmetric gold nano antennas are used to encode a holographic image based on the Pancharatnam–Berry phase. The position of the meta-atoms can be randomly distributed in a square lattice, while the rotation of each antenna is significant for the image encryption. The schematic illustration shows a nonlinear plasmonic metasurface, which can carry holographic information, for instance, a colored tree and house. If the metasurface is illuminated at its resonance frequency ω, the image is generated at frequencies 2ω and 3ω in Fourier space.

Gen­er­at­ing colored holo­graph­ic im­ages by non­lin­ear pro­cesses

Generating colored holographic images by nonlinear processes - recent publication in ACS Phtotonics - D. Frese (TRR142 PhD) as first author

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Santec spa­tial light mod­u­lat­or we­bin­ar - presen­ted by Jano Gil Lopez

Jano Gil-Lopez (PhD in the TRR142) will present our SLM applications for quantum technologies in a webinar organised by Santec corporation.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): Scientists have succeeded for the first time in specifically controlling the photon echo using laser pulses (symbolic photo).

Tem­por­al con­trol of light echoes - pub­lic­a­tion news men­tioned in sci­ence magazines

Publication from project A02 (Temporal control of light echoes) as news in different science magazines and websites.

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Foto (Jamie Kidston, ANU): Seit Februar 2020 forscht Dr. Sergey Kruk von der Australian National University an der Universität Paderborn auf dem Gebiet der nichtreziproken Nanooptik.

Aus­trali­an Hum­boldt Fel­low Re­searches Nov­el Op­tic­al Ef­fects in Pader­born

Dr. Sergey Kruk (Australian national University) received a Humboldt-research scholarship - his research stay at the group of Prof. Zentgraf will contribute to research on optical components for optical telecommunications and quantum information processing

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Prof. Dr. Klaus Jöns

Im­per­fect and en­tangled: quantum tele­port­a­tion with quantum dots Pub­lic­a­tion in Nature Part­ner journ­al "Quantum In­form­a­tion”

Prof. Jöns (CRC member) together with an international team of researcher succeeded in realising quantum teleportation. Publication in Nature partner journal “Quantum Information”

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Professor Thomas Zentgraf ist neuer Sprecher des Center for Optoelectronics & Photonics Paderborn (Foto: Universität Paderborn, Besim Mazhiqi)

Pro­fess­or Thomas Zent­graf – new speak­er of the Cen­ter for Op­to­elec­tron­ics & Photon­ics Pader­born

New Speaker of the Center for Optoelectronics & Photonics Paderborn - Prof. Zentgraf takes over the speaker role from Prof. Zrenner.

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„Quantum tech­nol­gies – a look in­to the fu­ture“ – on­line talk from Prof. Dr. Zren­ner – 13th April 2021

Prof. Zrenner’s lecture is part of the digital science programme of the adult education centres “VHS Wissen live”. Registration is open.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): Scientists have succeeded for the first time in specifically controlling the photon echo using laser pulses (symbolic photo).

Tem­por­al con­trol of light emis­sion for the first time - Pub­lic­a­tion in Com­mu­nic­a­tions Phys­ics form pro­ject A02

The research of Prof. Dr. Torsten Meier (A02, UPB), Prof. Dr. Ilya Akimov (A02, TU Do) and their collaborating scientists from the University of Würzburg were successful about controlling ‘photon echoes’

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New acat­ech HO­RI­ZONTE pub­lic­a­tion on quantum tech­no­lo­gies – Pro­ject lead­er Prof. Dr. Ar­tur Zren­ner (former Speak­er)

Prof. Zrenner worked as project leader on the completion of the new issue of the acatech brochure “HORIZONTE”. The topic: quantum technologies

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Pub­lic­a­tion from pro­ject C04 un­der the 20 most read art­icles in Ap­plied Phys­ics Let­ters

Publication "Electrically controlled rapid adiabatic passage in a single quantum dot" (project C04) under the 20 most read articles in the Journal Applied Physics Letters

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Phys­ics view­point: Get­ting a handle on tim­ing (pub­lic­a­tion in pro­ject C01)

Article on “Achieving the ultimate quantum timing resolution” (project C01) has been highlighted in Physics, the online magazine of the American Physical society.

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Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn, Speaker of the collaborative research center TRR142 (Picture: Paderborn University)

Prof. Dr. Christine Sil­ber­horn - new spokes­per­son of the CRC TRR142 – Tailored non­lin­ear photon­ics

New spokesperson of the Collaborative Research Centre TRR142 – Prof. Silberhorn takes over the spokesperson role from Prof. Artur Zrenner

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Prof. Dr. Klaus Jöns talks about his re­search on photon­ic quantum tech­no­lo­gies

Research on photonic quantum technologies – how Prof. Jöns became a researcher - state of the art and future perspectives of the research area

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Dmitri Yakovlev & Ilya Akimov

In­ter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Op­tics of Ex­citons in Con­fined Sys­tems OEC­S17 - Ex­per­i­ment­al Phys­ics II (TU Dortmund) as host

Save the date: 30th August till 3rd September 2021 - OECS17 at the University of Dortmund- organized by the Experimentelle Physik II

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Elec­tric­ally con­trolled rap­id adia­bat­ic pas­sage in a single quantum dot – Ed­it­or­’s Pick

The publication "Electrically controlled rapid adiabatic passage in a single quantum dot" from project C04 has been choosen as Editor's Pick.

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