
Star Trek: How tech­nic­al vis­ions be­come real­ity

On Thursday, 2 February, at 5 pm, a galactic event will take place in lecture hall O1 at the University of Paderborn: In his lecture, Dr. Hubert Zitt from the University of Kaiserslautern will compare the visions of "Star Trek" with the current state of science and technology in a serious and at the same time humorous way.

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Prof. Dr. Jan Sperling (Photograph: Besim Mazhiqi)

jD­PG Theo-Work­shop 2023 – Quanten­in­form­a­tion in der Physik

Der 13. Theorieworkshop der jDPG findet in der Jugendherberge Wewelsburg statt. Studierende und Doktoranden erhalten während einer mehrtägigen Veranstaltung detaillierte Einblicke in einen Forschungsbereich. Zum diesjährigen Thema "Quanteninformation" hält Prof. Dr. Jan Sperling einen Vortrag über "Quantenverschränkung".

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TRR 142-3 Work­shop in Bad Sas­sen­dorf

Scientific exchange and mutual presentation of project results were reason enough for around 80 members of TRR 142 to meet for the second workshop this year on November 28th and 29th, 2022 in Bad Sassendorf.

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“Sci­ence and bey­ond” – Doc­tor­ate’s meet­ing of TRR 142 young re­search­ers at UPB

On 10 November 22, the young researchers of TRR 142-3 came together for a doctorate’s meeting in the P8 building at UPB. Welcomed by Christine Silberhorn and Dirk Waldhoff, they could take a closer look into possible career paths in and outside academia and discussed the needs and possibilities on their way towards the PhD. Dirk Waldhoff and the coach/trainer Uta Stiene presented the especially tailored future coaching programme “Female…

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Graphic (Bocchini et al.): Schematic illustration of the K (de)intercalation in KTA-based electrodes.

Elec­tro­chem­ic­al per­form­ance of KTA – More than a photon­ic ma­ter­i­al?

The world needs more energy, preferably in a form that is clean and renewable. This requires sophisticated energy-storage strategies that go beyond the presently used lithium-ion batteries. In this context, there is an intense search for new electrode materials that provide high working voltages, thermal stability, and energy densities, as well as fast ion (de)intercalation.

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Graphic (Paderborn University): Comparison of the ionic conductivity between (a) gray-tracked and (b) annealed samples.

Per­form­ance boost by sup­press­ing gray track­ing

The world is just about to leap into quantum technology 2.0, promising a performance boost for existing and completely new functionalities and devices.

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Illustration photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): Researchers from the ‘Integrated Quantum Optics’ working group entangle photons, the smallest possible light particles.

Mile­stones achieved on the path to use­ful quantum tech­no­lo­gies

Researchers at Paderborn and Ulm universities are developing the first programmable optical quantum memory

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TRR142 strongly rep­res­en­ted at the DPG “spring” meet­ing 2022

In September, the annual conference of the German Physical Society (DPG) with a focus on condensed matter physics and optics with more than 3000 participants took place in Regensburg. The groups of the TRR142 were represented with an impressive number of more than 20 oral and poster contributions of which three were invited talks.

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Illustration of the substrate-graphene-layer structure.

Poster award of the Ger­man Phys­ic­al So­ci­ety for Dr. To­bi­as Henks­mei­er

Dr. Tobias Henksmeier, PostDoc in the team for optoelectronic materials and components of Prof. Dr. Dirk Reuter, has received one of the three awards for the best poster of the section for condensed matter.

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Jun-Prof. Dr. Polina Sharapova, Dr. Hendrik Rose, Prof. Dr. Torsten Meier

Ul­tra­fast and ex­cel­lent: Hendrik Rose very suc­cess­fully de­fen­ded his PhD thes­is

Hendrik Rose took a really fast track at Paderborn University and obtained his PhD only seven years after he started his Bachelor studies.

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Dr. Agnieszka Kozub, member of the TRR 142

Dr. Ag­nieszka Kozub re­ceived a poster com­mend­a­tion on the Psi-k 2022 Con­fer­ence

Dr. Agnieszka Kozub is a Postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Wolf Gero Schmidt. In her work, Agnieszka focuses on the application and development of efficient and accurate ab-initio methods that give access to the nonlinear optical spectra, e.g. χ(2) and χ(3).

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Photo (Paderborn University, Matthias Groppe): Inner workings of a laser: Paderborn physicists have used it to generate single photons to measure.

Tailored single photons: Op­tic­al con­trol of photons as the key to new tech­no­lo­gies

Physicists from Paderborn University publish findings in ‘Nature Communications’

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Photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): Scientists have observed a new effect of light-matter interaction for the first time.

Neut­ral particles can be con­trolled as if charged

New effect of light-matter interaction observed: Physicists from Paderborn University publish findings in ‘Nature Communications’.

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Nano­struc­tured sur­faces for fu­ture quantum com­puter chips

Quantum computers are one of the central future technologies of the 21st century.

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Nina Lange presenting her talk in front of roughly 50 people.

MQO group at CLEO 2022 in San Jose

Six members of the MQO group went to the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) from May 15th-20th, 2022 in San Jose.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): An international team of researchers from Germany, China, Israel and Vietnam has deciphered the attosecond collision dynamics of electrons with neighbouring atoms in solids, making them the first to identify the structure and dynamics of certain information encoded within the band structure.

Sci­ent­ists first to de­cipher at­to­second col­li­sion dy­nam­ics in solids – Pub­lic­a­tion in pro­ject A07

Prof. Torsten Meier (A07, UPB) and his collaborating scientists published their latest results in Ultrafast Science (title: Neighboring Atom Collisions in Solid-State High Harmonic Generation)

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New pub­lic­a­tion in PRX Quantum

The next information technology revolution is the quantum computer, promising a performance boost that exceeds any classical devices by exploiting the quantum properties of physical systems. In our multidisciplinary research we connect different fields and arch across different physical platforms, which is essential for the future application and success of such quantum devices. By combining quantum resource theory from quantum information…

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Copyrigth © Paderborn University

See the movie about the CRC TRR142 - What is their re­search all about?

How to design light with light? - The CRC TRR142 introduces his research. -Watch the movie now!

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Copyrigth © Paderborn University

Com­ing soon - Con­trolling light with light – Tailored non­lin­ear photon­ics - A movie about the CRC TRR142

Coming soon!!! The CRC TRR142 will publish a movie about their research! How to design light with light? Be excited!!

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Dmitri Yakovlev & Ilya Akimov

OEC­S17 - Ex­per­i­ment­al Phys­ics II (TU Dortmund) as host - Re­gis­tra­tion is open - late news sub­mis­sion pos­sible

OECS 17 is coming soon (30th of August to 2nd of September 2021) - Registration is open - late news submission for poster presentation is possible - conference program is available from 10th July Register now!

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