25.03.2021 Alessandro successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Spectral engineering in multiphoton linear and nonlinear interferometry: the importance of being multimode".
Dr. Sergey Kruk (Australian national University) received a Humboldt-research scholarship - his research stay at the group of Prof. Zentgraf will contribute to research on optical components for optical telecommunications and quantum information processing
Prof. Jöns (CRC member) together with an international team of researcher succeeded in realising quantum teleportation. Publication in Nature partner journal “Quantum Information”
The research of Prof. Dr. Torsten Meier (A02, UPB), Prof. Dr. Ilya Akimov (A02, TU Do) and their collaborating scientists from the University of Würzburg were successful about controlling ‘photon echoes’
Publication "Electrically controlled rapid adiabatic passage in a single quantum dot" (project C04) under the 20 most read articles in the Journal Applied Physics Letters
Article on “Achieving the ultimate quantum timing resolution” (project C01) has been highlighted in Physics, the online magazine of the American Physical society.
PI of project A08 Prof. Mirco Cinchetti and his group Experimentelle Physik VI at TU Dortmund organize the "European
Conference on Molecular Spintronics 2020" - Save the Date: 29th September to 2nd October 2020
Researchers from Paderborn University and Technical University Dortmund have now realized an all-optical bit that is temporarily written into a planar semiconductor nanostructure only using light and that can also be reconfigured only using optical techniques. Besides the fundamental interest, this new approach carries promise for future optoelectronic application schemes. The results are now published in the scientific journal “Nature…