Teilprojekt C2
Two-Colour Spectrally Multimode Integrated SU(1,1) Interferometer
A. Ferreri, P.R. Sharapova, Symmetry 14 (2022).
Flexible source of correlated photons based on LNOI rib waveguides
L. Ebers, A. Ferreri, M. Hammer, M. Albert, C. Meier, J. Förstner, P.R. Sharapova, Journal of Physics: Photonics 4 (2022) 025001.
Multimode integrated SU(1,1) interferometer
A. Ferreri, M. Santandrea, M. Stefszky, K.H. Luo, H. Herrmann, C. Silberhorn, P. Sharapova, in: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Optica Publishing Group, 2021.
Quantum optical coherence: From linear to nonlinear interferometers
K.H. Luo, M. Santandrea, M. Stefszky, J. Sperling, M. Massaro, A. Ferreri, P. Sharapova, H. Herrmann, C. Silberhorn, Physical Review A (2021).
Generating two-mode squeezing with multimode measurement-induced nonlinearity
M. Riabinin, P. Sharapova, T. Bartley, T. Meier, Journal of Physics Communications 5 (2021).
Properties of bright squeezed vacuum at increasing brightness
P.R. Sharapova, G. Frascella, M. Riabinin, A.M. Pérez, O.V. Tikhonova, S. Lemieux, R.W. Boyd, G. Leuchs, M.V. Chekhova, Physical Review Research 2 (2020).
Spatial entanglement and state engineering via four-photon Hong–Ou–Mandel interference
A. Ferreri, V. Ansari, B. Brecht, C. Silberhorn, P.R. Sharapova, Quantum Science and Technology 5 (2020).
Metasurface interferometry toward quantum sensors
P. Georgi, M. Massaro, K.H. Luo, B. Sain, N. Montaut, H. Herrmann, T. Weiss, G. Li, C. Silberhorn, T. Zentgraf, Light: Science & Applications 8 (2019) 70.
Temporally multimode four-photon Hong-Ou-Mandel interference
A. Ferreri, V. Ansari, C. Silberhorn, P.R. Sharapova, Physical Review A 100 (2019).
Nonlinear integrated quantum electro-optic circuits
K.-H. Luo, S. Brauner, C. Eigner, P. Sharapova, R. Ricken, T. Meier, H. Herrmann, C. Silberhorn, Science Advances 5 (2019).
Generating two-mode squeezing with multimode measurement-induced nonlinearity
M. Riabinin, P. Sharapova, T. Bartley, T. Meier, ArXiv:1912.09097 (2019).
Bright squeezed vacuum in a nonlinear interferometer: Frequency and temporal Schmidt-mode description
P.R. Sharapova, O.V. Tikhonova, S. Lemieux, R.W. Boyd, M.V. Chekhova, Physical Review A 97 (2018).
Nonlinearity-induced localization in a periodically driven semidiscrete system
R. Driben, V.V. Konotop, B.A. Malomed, T. Meier, A.V. Yulin, Physical Review E 97 (2018).
Nonlinearity-induced localization in a periodically driven semidiscrete system
R. Driben, V.V. Konotop, B.A. Malomed, T. Meier, A.V. Yulin, Physical Review E 97 (2018).
Bloch oscillations and resonant radiation of light propagating in arrays of nonlinear fibers with high-order dispersion
A. Yulin, R. Driben, T. Meier, Physical Review A 96 (2017).
Toolbox for the design of LiNbO3-based passive and active integrated quantum circuits
P. Sharapova, K.H. Luo, H. Herrmann, M. Reichelt, T. Meier, C. Silberhorn, New Journal of Physics 19 (2017).
Modified two-photon interference achieved by the manipulation of entanglement
P. Sharapova, K.H. Luo, H. Herrmann, M. Reichelt, C. Silberhorn, T. Meier, Physical Review A 96 (2017) 043857.
Toolbox for the design of LiNbO3-based passive and active integrated quantum circuits
P. Sharapova, K.H. Luo, H. Herrmann, M. Reichelt, T. Meier, C. Silberhorn, New Journal of Physics 19 (2017).
Towards integrated superconducting detectors on lithium niobate waveguides
J.P. Höpker, M. Bartnick, E. Meyer-Scott, F. Thiele, T. Meier, T. Bartley, S. Krapick, N.M. Montaut, M. Santandrea, H. Herrmann, S. Lengeling, R. Ricken, V. Quiring, A.E. Lita, V.B. Verma, T. Gerrits, S.W. Nam, C. Silberhorn, in: M. Agio, K. Srinivasan, C. Soci (Eds.), Quantum Photonic Devices, SPIE, 2017, p. 1035809.
Bloch oscillations sustained by nonlinearity
R. Driben, V.V. Konotop, T. Meier, A.V. Yulin, Scientific Reports 7 (2017).
Quantum interference control of electrical currents in GaAs microstructures: physics and spectroscopic applications
E. Sternemann, T. Jostmeier, C. Ruppert, S. Thunich, H.T. Duc, R. Podzimski, T. Meier, M. Betz, Applied Physics B 122 (2016).
Two-dimensional symbiotic solitons and vortices in binary condensates with attractive cross-species interaction
X. Ma, R. Driben, B.A. Malomed, T. Meier, S. Schumacher, Scientific Reports 6 (2016).
Ultrafast dynamical response of the lower exciton-polariton branch in CdZnTe
J. Lohrenz, S. Melzer, C. Ruppert, I.A. Akimov, H. Mariette, M. Reichelt, A. Trautmann, T. Meier, M. Betz, Physical Review B 93 (2016).
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