Pro­jekt­be­reich A


Relativistic calculation of the orbital hyperfine splitting in complex microscopic structures

K. Franzke, W.G. Schmidt, U. Gerstmann, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2701 (2024).

Defect-Assisted Exciton Transfer across the Tetracene-Si(111):H Interface

M. Krenz, U. Gerstmann, W.G. Schmidt, Physical Review Letters 132 (2024).

Microscopic simulations of the dynamics of excitonic many-body correlations coupled to quantum light

H. Rose, P.R. Sharapova, T. Meier, in: M. Betz, A.Y. Elezzabi (Eds.), Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXVIII, SPIE, 2024.

Charge transfer magnetoexcitons in magnetoabsorption spectra of asymmetric type-II double quantum wells

J. Röder, M. Gerhard, C. Fuchs, W. Stolz, W. Heimbrodt, M. Koch, C. Ngo, J.T. Steiner, T. Meier, Physical Review B 110 (2024).

Topological edge and corner states in coupled wave lattices in nonlinear polariton condensates

T. Schneider, W. Gao, T. Zentgraf, S. Schumacher, X. Ma, Nanophotonics 13 (2024) 509–518.


Temporal Sorting of Optical Multiwave-Mixing Processes in Semiconductor Quantum Dots

S. Grisard, A.V. Trifonov, H. Rose, R. Reichhardt, M. Reichelt, C. Schneider, M. Kamp, S. Höfling, M. Bayer, T. Meier, I.A. Akimov, ACS Photonics 10 (2023) 3161–3170.

Room-Temperature Electrical Field-Enhanced Ultrafast Switch in Organic Microcavity Polariton Condensates

J. De, X. Ma, F. Yin, J. Ren, J. Yao, S. Schumacher, Q. Liao, H. Fu, G. Malpuech, D. Solnyshkov, Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) 145 (2023) 1557–1563.

Quantum-optical excitations of semiconductor nanostructures in a microcavity using a two-band model and a single-mode quantum field

H. Rose, A.N. Vasil’ev, O.V. Tikhonova, T. Meier, P. Sharapova, Physical Review A 107 (2023).

Temporal sorting of optical multi-wave-mixing processes in semiconductor quantum dots

T. Meier, S. Grisard, A.V. Trifonov, H. Rose, R. Reichhardt, M. Reichelt, C. Schneider, M. Kamp, S. Höfling, M. Bayer, I.A. Akimov, Arxiv:2302.02480 (2023).

Theoretical analysis of four-wave mixing on semiconductor quantum dot ensembles with quantum light

H. Rose, S. Grisard, A.V. Trifonov, R. Reichhardt, M. Reichelt, M. Bayer, I.A. Akimov, T. Meier, in: Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXVII, SPIE, 2023.

Revealing the nonadiabatic tunneling dynamics in solid-state high harmonic generation

R. Zuo, X. Song, S. Ben, T. Meier, W. Yang, Physical Review Research 5 (2023).


A density-functional theory study of hole and defect-bound exciton polarons in lithium niobate

F. Schmidt, A.L. Kozub, U. Gerstmann, W.G. Schmidt, A. Schindlmayr, Crystals 12 (2022).

Multiple Rabi rotations of trions in InGaAs quantum dots observed by photon echo spectroscopy with spatially shaped laser pulses

S. Grisard, H. Rose, A.V. Trifonov, R. Reichhardt, D.E. Reiter, M. Reichelt, C. Schneider, M. Kamp, S. Höfling, M. Bayer, T. Meier, I.A. Akimov, Physical Review B 106 (2022).

Microscopic simulations of high harmonic generation from semiconductors

A. Trautmann, R. Zuo, G. Wang, W.-R. Hannes, S. Yang, L.H. Thong, C. Ngo, J. Steiner, M. Ciappina, M. Reichelt, H.T. Duc, X. Song, W. Yang, T. Meier, in: M. Betz, A.Y. Elezzabi (Eds.), Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXVI, 2022.

Coherent contributions to population dynamics in a semiconductor microcavity

J. Paul, H. Rose, E. Swagel, T. Meier, J.K. Wahlstrand, A.D. Bristow, Physical Review B 105 (2022).

Nonlinear down-conversion in a single quantum dot

B. Jonas, D.F. Heinze, E. Schöll, P. Kallert, T. Langer, S. Krehs, A. Widhalm, K. Jöns, D. Reuter, S. Schumacher, A. Zrenner, Nature Communications 13 (2022).

Helical Polariton Lasing from Topological Valleys in an Organic Crystalline Microcavity

T. Long, X. Ma, J. Ren, F. Li, Q. Liao, S. Schumacher, G. Malpuech, D. Solnyshkov, H. Fu, Advanced Science 9 (2022).

Manipulating polariton condensates by Rashba-Dresselhaus coupling at room temperature

Y. Li, X. Ma, X. Zhai, M. Gao, H. Dai, S. Schumacher, T. Gao, Nature Communications 13 (2022).

Pulse shaping for on-demand emission of single Raman photons from a quantum-dot biexciton

T. Praschan, D. Heinze, D. Breddermann, A. Zrenner, A. Walther, S. Schumacher, Physical Review B 105 (2022).

Unidirectional vortex waveguides and multistable vortex pairs in polariton condensates

X. Gao, W. Hu, S. Schumacher, X. Ma, Optics Letters 47 (2022) 3235–3238.

Switching Off a Microcavity Polariton Condensate near the Exceptional Point

Y. Li, X. Ma, Z. Hatzopoulos, P.G. Savvidis, S. Schumacher, T. Gao, ACS Photonics 9 (2022) 2079–2086.

Nonlinear down-conversion in a single quantum dot

B. Jonas, D.F. Heinze, E. Schöll, P. Kallert, T. Langer, S. Krehs, A. Widhalm, K. Jöns, D. Reuter, A. Zrenner, Nonlinear Down-Conversion in a Single Quantum Dot, LibreCat University, 2022.

Electron polarons in lithium niobate: Charge localization, lattice deformation, and optical response

F. Schmidt, A.L. Kozub, U. Gerstmann, W.G. Schmidt, A. Schindlmayr, in: G. Corradi, L. Kovács (Eds.), New Trends in Lithium Niobate: From Bulk to Nanocrystals, MDPI, Basel, 2022, pp. 231–248.

Bound polaron formation in lithium niobate from ab initio molecular dynamics

M. Krenz, U. Gerstmann, W.G. Schmidt, Applied Physics A 128 (2022) 480.

DC Ionic Conductivity in KTP and Its Isomorphs: Properties, Methods for Suppression, and Its Connection to Gray Tracking

L. Padberg, V. Quiring, A. Bocchini, M. Santandrea, U. Gerstmann, W.G. Schmidt, C. Silberhorn, C. Eigner, Crystals 12 (2022) 1359.

Tilting nondispersive bands in an empty microcavity

Y. Gao, Y. Li, X. Ma, M. Gao, H. Dai, S. Schumacher, T. Gao, Applied Physics Letters 121 (2022).

Electron–Nuclear Coherent Coupling and Nuclear Spin Readout through Optically Polarized VB Spin States in hBN

F.F. Murzakhanov, G.V. Mamin, S.B. Orlinskii, U. Gerstmann, W.G. Schmidt, T. Biktagirov, I. Aharonovich, A. Gottscholl, A. Sperlich, V. Dyakonov, V.A. Soltamov, Nano Letters 22 (2022) 2718–2724.

Electrochemical performance of KTiOAsO_4 (KTA) in potassium-ion batteries from density-functional theory

A. Bocchini, U. Gerstmann, T. Bartley, H.-G. Steinrück, G. Henkel, W.G. Schmidt, Phys. Rev. Materials 6 (2022) 105401.

Oxygen vacancies in KTiOPO_4: Optical absorption from hybrid DFT

A. Bocchini, U. Gerstmann, W.G. Schmidt, Phys. Rev. B 105 (2022) 205118.


Selective Etching of (111)B-Oriented AlxGa1−xAs-Layers for Epitaxial Lift-Off

T. Henksmeier, M. Eppinger, B. Reineke, T. Zentgraf, C. Meier, D. Reuter, Physica Status Solidi (A) 218 (2021) 2000408.

Nonlinear metasurface combining telecom-range intersubband transitions in GaN/AlN quantum wells with resonant plasmonic antenna arrays

J. Mundry, F. Spreyer, V. Jmerik, S. Ivanov, T. Zentgraf, M. Betz, Optical Materials Express 11 (2021).

A wavelength and polarization selective photon sieve for holographic applications

D. Frese, B. Sain, H. Zhou, Y. Wang, L. Huang, T. Zentgraf, Nanophotonics 10 (2021) 4543–4550.

Extremely low-energy ARPES of quantum well states in cubic-GaN/AlN and GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures

M. Hajlaoui, S. Ponzoni, M. Deppe, T. Henksmeier, D.J. As, D. Reuter, T. Zentgraf, G. Springholz, C.M. Schneider, S. Cramm, M. Cinchetti, Scientific Reports 11 (2021).

Nondegenerate two-photon absorption in ZnSe: Experiment and theory

L. Krauss-Kodytek, W.-R. Hannes, T. Meier, C. Ruppert, M. Betz, Nondegenerate Two-Photon Absorption in ZnSe: Experiment and Theory, LibreCat University, 2021.

Controlling the emission time of photon echoes by optical freezing of exciton dephasing and rephasing in quantum-dot ensembles

M. Reichelt, H. Rose, A.N. Kosarev, S.V. Poltavtsev, M. Bayer, I.A. Akimov, C. Schneider, M. Kamp, S. Höfling, T. Meier, Controlling the Emission Time of Photon Echoes by Optical Freezing of Exciton Dephasing and Rephasing in Quantum-Dot Ensembles, LibreCat University, 2021.

Quantifying Quantum Coherence in Polariton Condensates

C. Lüders, M. Pukrop, E. Rozas, C. Schneider, S. Höfling, J. Sperling, S. Schumacher, M. Aßmann, PRX Quantum (2021).

Split-ring polariton condensates as macroscopic two-level quantum systems

Y. Xue, I. Chestnov, E. Sedov, E. Kiktenko, A.K. Fedorov, S. Schumacher, X. Ma, A. Kavokin, Physical Review Research 3 (2021).

Neighboring Atom Collisions in Solid-State High Harmonic Generation

R. Zuo, A. Trautmann, G. Wang, W.-R. Hannes, S. Yang, X. Song, T. Meier, M. Ciappina, H.T. Duc, W. Yang, Ultrafast Science 2021 (2021).

Low-field onset of Wannier-Stark localization in a polycrystalline hybrid organic inorganic perovskite

D. Berghoff, J. Bühler, M. Bonn, A. Leitenstorfer, T. Meier, H. Kim, Nature Communications 12 (2021).

Controlling the emission time of photon echoes by optical freezing of exciton dephasing and rephasing in quantum-dot ensembles

M. Reichelt, H. Rose, A.N. Kosarev, S.V. Poltavtsev, M. Bayer, I.A. Akimov, C. Schneider, M. Kamp, S. Höfling, T. Meier, in: M. Betz, A.Y. Elezzabi (Eds.), Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXV, 2021.

Ultrafast electric control of cavity mediated single-photon and photon-pair generation with semiconductor quantum dots

D. Bauch, D.F. Heinze, J. Förstner, K. Jöns, S. Schumacher, Physical Review B 104 (2021) 085308.

Nondegenerate two-photon absorption in ZnSe: Experiment and theory

L. Krauss-Kodytek, W.-R. Hannes, T. Meier, C. Ruppert, M. Betz, Physical Review B 104 (2021).

Nondegenerate two-photon absorption in ZnSe: Experiment and theory

L. Krauss-Kodytek, W.-R. Hannes, T. Meier, C. Ruppert, M. Betz, Physical Review B 104 (2021).

Nonlinear Bicolor Holography Using Plasmonic Metasurfaces

D. Frese, Q. Wei, Y. Wang, M. Cinchetti, L. Huang, T. Zentgraf, ACS Photonics 8 (2021) 1013–1019.


Efficient Bosonic Condensation of Exciton Polaritons in an H-Aggregate Organic Single-Crystal Microcavity.

J. Ren, Q. Liao, H. Huang, Y. Li, T. Gao, X. Ma, S. Schumacher, J. Yao, S. Bai, H. Fu, Nano Letters 20 (2020) 7550–7557.

Formation dynamics of exciton-polariton vortices created by nonresonant annular pumping

B. Berger, D. Schmidt, X. Ma, S. Schumacher, C. Schneider, S. Höfling, M. Assmann, Physical Review B 101 (2020) 245309.

Topological edge states of nonequilibrium polaritons in hollow honeycomb arrays.

X. Ma, Y. Kartashov, A. Ferrando, S. Schumacher, Optics Letters 45 (2020) 5311–5314.

Circular polarization reversal of half-vortex cores in polariton condensates

M. Pukrop, S. Schumacher, X. Ma, Physical Review B 101 (2020) 205301.

Spiraling vortices in exciton-polariton condensates

X. Ma, Y.V. Kartashov, T. Gao, L. Torner, S. Schumacher, Physical Review B 102 (2020) 045309.

Multistable circular currents of polariton condensates trapped in ring potentials.

F. Barkhausen, S. Schumacher, X. Ma, Optics Letters 45 (2020) 1192–1195.

Chiral condensates in a polariton hexagonal ring.

X. Ma, Y. Kartashov, A. Kavokin, S. Schumacher, Optics Letters 45 (2020) 5700–5703.

Accurate photon echo timing by optical freezing of exciton dephasing and rephasing in quantum dots

A.N. Kosarev, H. Rose, S.V. Poltavtsev, M. Reichelt, C. Schneider, M. Kamp, S. Höfling, M. Bayer, T. Meier, I.A. Akimov, Communications Physics 3 (2020).

k.p-based multiband simulations of non-degenerate two-photon absorption in bulk GaAs

W.-R. Hannes, T. Meier, in: M. Betz, A.Y. Elezzabi (Eds.), Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXIV, 2020, p. 112780S.

Strongly nonresonant four-wave mixing in semiconductors

W.-R. Hannes, A. Trautmann, M. Stein, F. Schäfer, M. Koch, T. Meier, Physical Review B 101 (2020) 075203.

Enhanced high-order harmonic generation in semiconductors by excitation with multicolor pulses

X. Song, S. Yang, R. Zuo, T. Meier, W. Yang, Physical Review A 101 (2020).

Realization of all-optical vortex switching in exciton-polariton condensates

X. Ma, B. Berger, M. Aßmann, R. Driben, T. Meier, C. Schneider, S. Höfling, S. Schumacher, Nature Communications 11 (2020) 897.


Nonreciprocal Asymmetric Polarization Encryption by Layered Plasmonic Metasurfaces

D. Frese, Q. Wei, Y. Wang, L. Huang, T. Zentgraf, Nano Letters 19 (2019) 3976–3980.

Spatially asymmetric transients of propagating exciton-polariton modes in a planar CdZnTe/CdMgTe guiding structure

J. Vondran, F. Spitzer, M. Bayer, I.A. Akimov, A. Trautmann, M. Reichelt, C. Meier, N. Weber, T. Meier, R. André, H. Mariette, Physical Review B 100 (2019) 155308.

Intensity-dependent degenerate and non-degenerate nonlinear optical absorption of direct-gap semiconductors

W.-R. Hannes, L. Krauß-Kodytek, C. Ruppert, M. Betz, T. Meier, in: M. Betz, A.Y. Elezzabi (Eds.), Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXIII, 2019.

Spatially asymmetric transients of propagating exciton-polariton modes in a planar CdZnTe/CdMgTe guiding structure

J. Vondran, F. Spitzer, M. Bayer, I.A. Akimov, A. Trautmann, M. Reichelt, C. Meier, N. Weber, T. Meier, R. André, H. Mariette, Physical Review B 100 (2019) 155308.

Attosecond temporal confinement of interband excitation by intraband motion

X. Song, R. Zuo, S. Yang, P. Li, T. Meier, W. Yang, Optics Express 27 (2019) 2225–2234.

Bloch oscillations of multidimensional dark soliton wave packets and light bullets

R. Driben, X. Ma, S. Schumacher, T. Meier, Optics Letters 44 (2019) 1327–1330.


Tailored UV Emission by Nonlinear IR Excitation from ZnO Photonic Crystal Nanocavities

S.P. Hoffmann, M. Albert, N. Weber, D. Sievers, J. Förstner, T. Zentgraf, C. Meier, ACS Photonics 5 (2018) 1933–1942.

Efficient frequency conversion by combined photonic–plasmonic mode coupling

N. Weber, S.P. Hoffmann, M. Albert, T. Zentgraf, C. Meier, Journal of Applied Physics 123 (2018).

Vortex Multistability and Bessel Vortices in Polariton Condensates.

X. Ma, S. Schumacher, Physical Review Letters 121 (2018).

Stacked Self-Assembled Cubic GaN Quantum Dots Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

S. Blumenthal, T. Rieger, D. Meertens, A. Pawlis, D. Reuter, D.J. As, Physica Status Solidi (b) 255 (2018) 1600729.

Microscopic theory of cavity-enhanced single-photon emission from optical two-photon Raman processes

D. Breddermann, T. Praschan, D.F. Heinze, R. Binder, S. Schumacher, Physical Review B 97 (2018).

Signatures of transient Wannier-Stark localization in bulk gallium arsenide

C. Schmidt, J. Bühler, A.-C. Heinrich, J. Allerbeck, R. Podzimski, D. Berghoff, T. Meier, W.G. Schmidt, C. Reichl, W. Wegscheider, D. Brida, A. Leitenstorfer, Nature Communications 9 (2018).

Signatures of transient Wannier-Stark localization in bulk gallium arsenide

C. Schmidt, J. Bühler, A.-C. Heinrich, J. Allerbeck, R. Podzimski, D. Berghoff, T. Meier, W.G. Schmidt, C. Reichl, W. Wegscheider, D. Brida, A. Leitenstorfer, Nature Communications 9 (2018).

Coherent optical spectroscopy of charged exciton complexes in semiconductor nanostructures

I. Akimov, S.V. Poltavtsev, M. Salewski, I.A. Yugova, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, W. Maciej, M. Reichelt, T. Meier, D. Yakovlev, M. Bayer, in: M. Betz, A.Y. Elezzabi (Eds.), Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXII, SPIE, 2018.

Coherent optical spectroscopy of charged exciton complexes in semiconductor nanostructures

I. Akimov, S.V. Poltavtsev, M. Salewski, I.A. Yugova, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, W. Maciej , M. Reichelt, T. Meier, D. Yakovlev, M. Bayer, in: M. Betz, A.Y. Elezzabi (Eds.), Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXII, SPIE, 2018.

Spin and Geometric Phase Control Four-Wave Mixing from Metasurfaces

G. Li, G. Sartorello, S. Chen, L.H. Nicholls, K.F. Li, T. Zentgraf, S. Zhang, A.V. Zayats, Laser & Photonics Reviews 12 (2018).

Controlling the phase of optical nonlinearity with plasmonic metasurfaces

S. Chen, G. Li, K.W. Cheah, T. Zentgraf, S. Zhang, Nanophotonics 7 (2018) 1013–1024.

Imaging through Nonlinear Metalens Using Second Harmonic Generation

C. Schlickriede, N. Waterman, B. Reineke, P. Georgi, G. Li, S. Zhang, T. Zentgraf, Advanced Materials 30 (2018).


Polarization-entangled twin photons from two-photon quantum-dot emission

D. Heinze, A. Zrenner, S. Schumacher, Physical Review B (2017).

Spiral modes supported by circular dielectric tubes and tube segments

L. Ebers, M. Hammer, J. Förstner, Optical and Quantum Electronics 49 (2017) 49:176.

Simulation of Second Harmonic Generation from Photonic Nanostructures Using the Discontinuous Galerkin Time Domain Method

Y. Grynko, J. Förstner, in: A. Agrawal (Ed.), Recent Trends in Computational Photonics, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2017, pp. 261–284.

Systematic study of the influence of coherent phonon wave packets on the lasing properties of a quantum dot ensemble

D. Wigger, T. Czerniuk, D.E. Reiter, M. Bayer, T. Kuhn, New Journal of Physics 19 (2017).

Photon echoes from (In,Ga)As quantum dots embedded in a Tamm-plasmon microcavity

M. Salewski, S.V. Poltavtsev, Y.V. Kapitonov, J. Vondran, D.R. Yakovlev, C. Schneider, M. Kamp, S. Höfling, R. Oulton, I.A. Akimov, A.V. Kavokin, M. Bayer, Physical Review B 95 (2017).

The Role of Electronic and Phononic Excitation in the Optical Response of Monolayer WS2 after Ultrafast Excitation

C. Ruppert, A. Chernikov, H.M. Hill, A.F. Rigosi, T.F. Heinz, Nano Letters 17 (2017) 644–651.

Tunable femtosecond near-IR source by pumping an OPA directly with a 90 MHz Yb:fiber source

J. Mundry, J. Lohrenz, M. Betz, Applied Optics 56 (2017) 3104–3108.

Picosecond Control of Quantum Dot Laser Emission by Coherent Phonons

T. Czerniuk, D. Wigger, A.V. Akimov, C. Schneider, M. Kamp, S. Höfling, D.R. Yakovlev, T. Kuhn, D.E. Reiter, M. Bayer, Physical Review Letters 118 (2017).

Acousto-optical nanoscopy of buried photonic nanostructures

T. Czerniuk, C. Schneider, M. Kamp, S. Höfling, B.A. Glavin, D.R. Yakovlev, A.V. Akimov, M. Bayer, Optica 4 (2017).

Double resonant plasmonic nanoantennas for efficient second harmonic generation in zinc oxide

N. Weber, M. Protte, F. Walter, P. Georgi, T. Zentgraf, C. Meier, Physical Review B 95 (2017).

Ultrathin Nonlinear Metasurface for Optical Image Encoding

F. Walter, G. Li, C. Meier, S. Zhang, T. Zentgraf, Nano Letters 17 (2017) 3171–3175.

High-Resolution Two-Dimensional Optical Spectroscopy of Electron Spins

M. Salewski, S.V. Poltavtsev, I.A. Yugova, G. Karczewski, M. Wiater, T. Wojtowicz, D.R. Yakovlev, I.A. Akimov, T. Meier, M. Bayer, Physical Review X 7 (2017).

Damping of Rabi oscillations in intensity-dependent photon echoes from exciton complexes in a CdTe/(Cd,Mg)Te single quantum well

S.V. Poltavtsev, M. Reichelt, I.A. Akimov, G. Karczewski, M. Wiater, T. Wojtowicz, D.R. Yakovlev, T. Meier, M. Bayer, Physical Review B 96 (2017).

Nonlinear photonic metasurfaces

G. Li, S. Zhang, T. Zentgraf, Nature Reviews Materials 2 (2017).


Fabrication of fully undercut ZnO-based photonic crystal membranes with 3D optical confinement

S.P. Hoffmann, M. Albert, C. Meier, Superlattices and Microstructures 97 (2016) 397–408.

All-optical tailoring of single-photon spectra in a quantum-dot microcavity system

D. Breddermann, D. Heinze, R. Binder, A. Zrenner, S. Schumacher, Physical Review B 94 (2016).

Two-dimensional symbiotic solitons and vortices in binary condensates with attractive cross-species interaction

X. Ma, R. Driben, B.A. Malomed, T. Meier, S. Schumacher, Scientific Reports 6 (2016).

Ultrafast dynamical response of the lower exciton-polariton branch in CdZnTe

J. Lohrenz, S. Melzer, C. Ruppert, I.A. Akimov, H. Mariette, M. Reichelt, A. Trautmann, T. Meier, M. Betz, Physical Review B 93 (2016).

Simulations of high harmonic generation from plasmonic nanoparticles in the terahertz region

Y. Grynko, T. Zentgraf, T. Meier, J. Förstner, Applied Physics B 122 (2016) 242.

Spin and wavelength multiplexed nonlinear metasurface holography

W. Ye, F. Zeuner, X. Li, B. Reineke, S. He, C.-W. Qiu, J. Liu, Y. Wang, S. Zhang, T. Zentgraf, Nature Communications 7 (2016).

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