
Dr. Cong Thanh Ngo

Suc­­cess­­ful PhD de­fen­se of Dr. Cong Thanh Ngo

On February 18, 2025, Dr. Cong Thanh Ngo successfully defended his dissertation on: “Microscopic Analysis of the Nonlinear Optical Properties of Semiconductor Quantum Well Structures: Excitonic Anomalous Currents and Many-Body Correlations of Charge-Transfer Excitons”. Well done & Congratulations, Cong!

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TRR 142 re­search­ers on pro­fes­sion­al ex­change in Aus­tralia

Rebecca Aschwanden and Yves Köppeler spent a month at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra, Australia in the research group of Dr. Sergey Kruk. The stay could be realised thanks to the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

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Symbolic image (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi)

Quantum re­peat­ers for se­cure quantum net­works of the fu­ture. Pader­born Uni­ver­sity in­volved in new joint pro­ject.

TRR142 researchers are involved in collaborative projects on secure quantum networks, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

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Fig. 1: Schematical sketch of an LNT mixed crystal with modified domain structures. We can distinguish four different cases.

Re­volu­tion­ary ad­vances in non­lin­ear op­tics: LNT mixed crys­tals in fo­cus

Lithium niobate as well as lithium tantalite are well established materials in optical application and radio-frequency filtering. Lithium niobate tantalate (LNT) mixed crystals are a promising material for a wide range of applications in optoelectronics due to their outstanding nonlinear optical properties. In our latest study, we focused on the targeted modification of the domain structure in LNT. Using a second-harmonic microscope, we were able…

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More than 80 re­search­ers dis­cuss non­lin­ear photon­ics at the an­nu­al TRR 142-work­shop

Foto (Benedikt Speer): Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer des MINT-EC Lasercamps 2024

MINT-EC laser camp vis­its Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

How do lasers work? What characterises them? And what are they used for? These and other questions are addressed at the annual MINT-EC Camp at St Xaver's Grammar School in Bad Driburg. Interested pupils from all over Germany spend a whole week studying the physics of lasers. The programme also included a visit to the University of Paderborn. After an introductory lecture on how lasers work, the participants were able to gain an insight into…

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Photo: Paderborn University, Jennifer Krüger

Second PHOTON­ICS FU­TURE work­shop in Bad Driburg

For the second time, the workshop ‘PHOTONICS FUTURE. Profound | Equal | Inclusive’ took place in Bad Driburg, organised by TRR 142 and the Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS). It was an inspiring event that took an in-depth look at current developments in photonics as well as topics such as diversity and equal opportunities. The event was characterised by specialist presentations and stimulating discussions led exclusively by female…

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from left to right: Prof Dr Tim Bartley, Timon Schapeler, Dr Frederik Thiele

TRR 142 at Quantum 2.0 in Rot­ter­dam

Thanks to the support of TRR 142, Nina Lange had the opportunity to attend the Quantum 2.0 conference. The conference took place from 23 to 27 June in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The aim of this of this annual conference is to bring together all types of researchers working in the field of quantum science and technology. Paderborn University was with a total of four members of the Mesoscopic Quantum Optics Working Group (Prof Dr Tim Bartley) and…

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New pub­lic­a­tion: Time-bin en­tan­gle­ment in the de­term­in­ist­ic gen­er­a­tion of lin­ear photon­ic cluster states

The authors theoretically investigate strategies for the deterministic creation of trains of time-bin entangled photons using an individual quantum emitter described by a Λ-type electronic system.

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Photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): (From left to right) The authors Prof Dr Uwe Gerstmann, Dr Marvin Krenz and Prof Dr Wolf Gero Schmidt with their poster on energy transport in the solar cell.
Photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): (From left to right) The authors Prof Dr Uwe Gerstmann, Dr Marvin Krenz and Prof Dr Wolf Gero Schmidt with their poster on energy transport in the solar cell.

Pader­born phys­i­cists de­vel­op new sol­ar cell

Physicists at Paderborn University have used complex computer simulations to develop a new design for significantly more efficient solar cells than previously available. A thin layer of organic material, known as tetracene, is responsible for the increase in efficiency. The results have now been published in the renowned journal "Physical Review Letters".

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Edge states in double-wave chains. (a) Structure of a double-wave potential chain. (b) Dependence of the energies of the linear eigenstates in double-wave chains on the chain parameters. Red lines indicate the topological edge states and black lines are the bulk states. (c)-(f) Spatial distribution of the edge states marked in (b).
Edge states in double-wave chains. (a) Structure of a double-wave potential chain. (b) Dependence of the energies of the linear eigenstates in double-wave chains on the chain parameters. Red lines indicate the topological edge states and black lines are the bulk states. (c)-(f) Spatial distribution of the edge states marked in (b).

To­po­lo­gic­al edge and corner states in coupled wave lat­tices in non­lin­ear po­lari­ton con­dens­ates

Topological states have shown prospect for bringing topological robustness into various applications and have been widely investigated in different physical systems and diverse types of lattice structures. Recently, Tobias Schneider and co-authors proposed a new type of lattice that contains two coupled cosinusoidal modulated potential chains (double-wave chains) as represented in (a) for the study of topological states in a planar semiconductor…

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High-quality photon generation with quantum emitter cavity systems.
High-quality photon generation with quantum emitter cavity systems.

Swing-up dy­nam­ics in quantum emit­ter cav­ity sys­tems: Near ideal single photons and en­tangled photon pairs

On-demand generation of high-quality photon states is key for implementing quantum information processing protocols. For high brightness deterministic photon sources, such as semiconductor quantum dots placed inside an optical resonator, emitter re-excitation is one of the problems undermining the quality of generated photons.

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Quantum re­search for the world of to­mor­row

Prof. Dr Thomas Zentgraf is the new spokesperson for the DFG Collaborative Research Centre "Tailor-made Nonlinear Photonics"

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Gregor Weihs, University of Innsbruck
Gregor Weihs, University of Innsbruck

In­ter­na­tion­al work­shop on En­gin­eer­ing of Quantum Emit­ter Prop­er­ties (EQEP) at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

On 7 and 8 December 2023, Paderborn University hosted the 9th international workshop on Engineering of Quantum Emitter Properties (EQEP).

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Photo credit: Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi

Mak­ing quantum tech­no­lo­gies tan­gible: New re­search pro­ject of­fers in­ter­act­ive edu­ca­tion­al pro­gramme for Gen­er­a­tion Z

Scientists at Paderborn University are working with Atrineo AG to set up an extracurricular meeting and educational centre for quantum technologies as part of the joint project "Introducing Generation Z to the quantum physics mindset" (HedwiQ). The so-called Generation Z predominantly refers to young adults who were born between 1997 and 2012. The project, which is being funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for a period…

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Sketch of the QD-Cavity system (a) with the electronic four level system of the biexciton and (b) artistic representation of a circular bragg grating (CBG) cavity with the excitation of the QD (yellow) and emission of photons (orange,blue).
Sketch of the QD-Cavity system (a) with the electronic four level system of the biexciton and (b) artistic representation of a circular bragg grating (CBG) cavity with the excitation of the QD (yellow) and emission of photons (orange,blue).

On-De­mand In­dis­tin­guish­able and En­tangled Photons Us­ing Tailored Cav­ity Designs

Quantum emitters that produce both indistinguishable and polarization-entangled photons are essential prerequisites for photon-based quantum information processing.

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Photograph: Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi

Suc­cess­ful TRR 142-3 work­shop in Bad Sas­sen­dorf

With over ninety participants from the various TRR 142 scientific groups, this year's TRR 142 workshop was the largest to date. On 6 + 7 November 2023, the scientists presented their research results from the past year and exchanged ideas with invited guest scientists on the latest developments in the field of nonlinear photonics.

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Prof Dr Thomas Zentgraf (Photographer: Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi)

Prof Dr Thomas Zent­graf ap­poin­ted as new spokes­per­son of TRR 142

From 1 January 2024, Prof Dr Thomas Zentgraf will be the new spokesperson of the CRC TRR 142. The TRR 142-management board unanimously elected the experienced and renowned researcher in the field of ultrafast nanophotonics at Paderborn University (UPB).

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Foto (Universität Paderborn, J. Krüger): Impressionen von der Quantum Effects 2023

Quantum Ef­fects 2023 | Ge­mein­samer Messeau­ftritt des TRR 142 und PhoQS

Am 10. und 11. Oktober fand erstmalig die Quantum Effects statt. Mit mehr als 2000 Besucher*innen war die Premiere der Fachmesse für Quantentechnologien ein voller Erfolg. An zwei Messetagen waren auf dem Gelände der Messe Stuttgart mehr als 70 Ausstellende vor Ort. Begleitet wurde die Messe von einem Rahmenprogramm aus fachwissenschaftlichen Vorträgen, Expertendiskussionen und Workshops für Schüler*innen. So diente die Fachmesse nicht nur einer…

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TRR 142-workshop PHOTONICS FUTURE. Profound |Equal |Inclusive in Bad Driburg in September 2023 (Photo Jan Christoph Daniel)

It’s all about in­spir­a­tion. The first TRR 142-work­shop PHOTON­ICS FU­TURE - Pro­found | Equal | In­clus­ive proved to be a huge suc­cess.

A constantly changing world requires profound scientific and technological knowledge. And science does not need international or gender boundaries. Therefore, we need to work hard on excellent research in an inclusive environment. On September 19 and 20, 2023, young scientists of the CRC TRR 142 and guests were invited to present their current research as well as to reflect on career paths within sciences – and what it needs to overcome our…

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