Phy­si­cist from Pa­der­born among the world­wi­de high­ly ci­ted re­se­a­r­chers

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Clarivate Analytics, known for their internet platform Web-of-Science, announces the Highly Cited Researchers List 2018, a list of elite scientists and social scientists identified through analysis of highly cited papers (those ranking in the top 1% by citations for field and year). This year, for the first time, Clarivate Analytics has introduced a new Cross-Field category to identify researchers with substantial influence across several fields during the past decade. By introducing this new category, Professor Thomas Zentgraf from the Department of Physics became the second researcher (next to Prof. Michael Winkler, Department of Mathematics) from Paderborn University who belongs to the top 1% researchers worldwide based on their recent publications. The Zentgraf group is working in the field of nanophotonics with the focus on new concepts for optical devices and materials.


The list of the 2018 Highly Cited Researchers can be found under

Press release UPB for more information

Prof. Dr. Thomas Zentgraf