TRR 142 and Pho­QS at the 10th NRW Na­no Con­fe­rence

 |  TRR 142 - Maßgeschneiderte nichtlineare Photonik: Von grundlegenden Konzepten zu funktionellen Strukturen

This year's NRW Nano Conference - Germany's largest conference in the field of nanotechnologies - took place from 23 to 24 May. In the premises of the Dortmund Congress Centre, a top-class scientific programme was accompanied by a two-day exhibition. Around 40 players from science and industry presented forward-looking projects and products here. Overall, a thematic focus on the field of quantum technologies was clearly evident.

The Collaborative Research Centre TRR 142 and the Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS) presented their research priorities and strategies. Exhibits from various participating research groups provided quick access to detailed discussions about applied materials and methods. In addition to the professional discourse with students and scientists, there were also numerous opportunities for exchange with other exhibitors and industry representatives.

Prof. Artur Zrenner (former spokesperson of TRR 142) and Prof. Manfred Bayer (Rector of TU Dortmund and current TRR 142 co-spokesperson) enjoyed their reunion at the Nano conference. Photo: (Paderborn University, Dirk Waldhoff)
Photo: (Paderborn University, Jennifer Krüger): Impressions from the NRW Nano Conference.
Photo: (Paderborn University, Dirk Waldhoff): Impressions from the NRW Nano Conference.