
MBE Work­shop 2015 in Pa­der­born

Physicists from the TRR 142 and CeOPP organize this year the German MBE-workshop. The meeting takes place on September 21st/22nd 2015 at the University of Paderborn. The aim of this meeting will be exchanging scientific knowledge and experience as well as addressing technical problems and challenges with respect to molecular beam epitaxy. Thus, the scientific program and the industrial exhibition will complement one another.

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In­ter­na­ti­o­nal Year of Light

The UNESCO has declared the year 2015 as the “International Year of Light 2015”. Several international events are coordinated by the UNESCO and their partners as well as the European Physical Society. In Germany several activities are coordinated by the German Society of Physics (DPG). Investigating in the many aspects of the science of light is the main focus of the Physicists of the TRR 142. Delivering insight to the public the group of…

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1st in­ter­nal work­shop

1st Internal workshop of the TRR 142

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Ope­ning Ce­rem­ony of the CRC/TRR142

SFB/Transregio 142: Tailored nonlinear photonics: From fundamental concepts to functional structures

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