A constantly changing world requires profound scientific and technological knowledge. And science does not need international or gender boundaries. Therefore, we need to work hard on excellent research in an inclusive environment.
On September 19 and 20, 2023, young scientists of the CRC TRR 142 and guests were invited to present their current research as well as to reflect on career paths within sciences – and what it needs to overcome our…
Bild (Universität Paderborn, Besim Mazhiqi): Nina Amelie Lange, Doktorandin in der Arbeitsgruppe Mesoskopische Quantenoptik, nimmt uns mit in ihren Forschungsalltag.
TRR 142 - Maßgeschneiderte nichtlineare Photonik: Von grundlegenden Konzepten zu funktionellen Strukturen
In einem sehr anschaulichen Video zeigt Nina Lange, wie Laserlicht einer gewünschten Farbe erzeugt werden kann. Über den sogenannnten Prozess der Summenfrequenzerzeugung wird in einem nichtlinearen Wellenleiter Licht generiert, das die für weiterführende Experimente geforderte Wellenlänge aufweist.
Der Beitrag wurde auf den Social Media-Kanälen der Arbeitsgruppe Mesoskopische Quantenoptik veröffentlicht und kann zum Beispiel über diesen Link auf…
On August 3, 2023, Dr. Alexander Trautmann successfully defended his dissertation on: „Microscopic analysis of the nonlinear optical response of semiconductors: Carrier dynamics in extremely intense Terahertz fields and many-body correlations in type-II heterostructures”. Congratulations, Alexander!
Imagine two photons, the smallest quanta of light, meeting at a glass plate which transmits 50% of the light and reflects the other 50%. These two photons can take 4 different paths; either both photons are reflected or transmitted or one photon is reflected and the other one transmitted or vice versa.
from left to right: Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn, Dr. Simon Baier, Dr. Arindam Ghosh, Prof. Dr. Immanuel Bloch, Dr. Karl Lamprecht, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mlynek
TRR 142 - Maßgeschneiderte nichtlineare Photonik: Von grundlegenden Konzepten zu funktionellen Strukturen
With her laudatory speech at the ZEISS Research Award ceremony, Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn honoured outstanding research achievements in the fields of optics and photonics. ZEISS presented two research awards to a total of four scientists at a ceremony at the Deutsches Museum in Munich on 27 June.
Photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): Professor Klaus Jöns, a physicist at Paderborn University, was recently appointed a new fellow at the Max Planck School of Photonics.
TRR 142 - Maßgeschneiderte nichtlineare Photonik: Von grundlegenden Konzepten zu funktionellen Strukturen
Professor Klaus Jöns, a physicist at Paderborn University, was recently appointed a new fellow at the Max Planck School of Photonics. Jöns is the third Paderborn fellow at this renowned graduate school, alongside Professor Christine Silberhorn and Professor Thomas Zentgraf.
The Max Planck School of Photonics (MPSP) is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and offers an international and interdisciplinary master’s…
Professor Christine Silberhorn has been selected as a finalist for the Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year 2023 in the category Physical Sciences with her breakthrough on “Feed forward and time-multiplexing: the missing ingredients for photonic quantum technologies”. Congratulations!
Paderborner Forscher*innen aus dem Department Physik und vom Institut für Photonische Quantensysteme (PhoQS) haben im Rahmen eines innerhalb des Sonderforschungsbereichs/TRR 142 geförderten Projekts erfolgreich Quantenpunkte – nanoskopische Strukturen, in denen die Quanteneigenschaften der Materie zum Tragen kommen – hergestellt, die im optischen C-Band bei einer Wellenlänge zwischen 1530 bis 1565 Nanometer leuchten. Das Besondere ist, dass es…
When matter is exposed to highly intense electromagnetic radiation, nonlinearities of the material may lead to the emission of light that contains very high multiples of the incident frequency. This process is called high harmonic generation (HHG) and can be used for the generation of extremely short light pulses with durations in the range of attoseconds (in 1 attosecond, i.e., 10-18 s, light travels just 0.3 nanometer which is comparable to the…
Prof. Artur Zrenner (former spokesperson of TRR 142) and Prof. Manfred Bayer (Rector of TU Dortmund and current TRR 142 co-spokesperson) enjoyed their reunion at the Nano conference. Photo: (Paderborn University, Dirk Waldhoff)
TRR 142 - Maßgeschneiderte nichtlineare Photonik: Von grundlegenden Konzepten zu funktionellen Strukturen
This year's NRW Nano Conference - Germany's largest conference in the field of nanotechnologies - took place from 23 to 24 May. In the premises of the Dortmund Congress Centre, a top-class scientific programme was accompanied by a two-day exhibition. Around 40 players from science and industry presented forward-looking projects and products here. Overall, a thematic focus on the field of quantum technologies was clearly evident.
Left: Meta-surface made of microscopic silicon cylinders, Center: three optical excitations superimpose to form a Fano resonance, Right: conversion efficiency as a function of excitation power, Inset: light converted to the green spectrum.
TRR 142 - Maßgeschneiderte nichtlineare Photonik: Von grundlegenden Konzepten zu funktionellen Strukturen
Natural and artificial crystals often exhibit the ability to change the spectral color of light, a process known as nonlinear optical effect. This effect allows the frequency of a light component to be changed and transformed, for example, from the red to the green color spectral region.
Color conversion is used in numerous applications, such as nonlinear microscopy of biological structures, material investigations, LED light sources and lasers,…
In episode 4, Prof. Dr. Thomas Zentgraf, head of the Ultrafast Nanophotonics group and Principal Investigator of three projects within the TRR 142, explains what Ultrafast Nanophysics has to do with holography.
Quantum technologies provide the amazing perspective to boost progress in communication, quantum computing or cryptography. Their advantage is based on utilizing the laws of quantum mechanics instead of classical physics which open up the possibility to implement highly efficient quantum algorithms, so the quantumness of a system becomes a valuable resource.
This year's DPG Spring Conference in the sections atoms, molecules, quantum optics and photonics (SAMOP) takes place from 05 to 10 March 2023 in Hanover. Numerous researchers of the TRR 142 present their latest research.
Frau Dr. Sonja Barkhofen, Alumna des TRR 142 und Gruppenleiterin in der AG Integrierte Quantenoptik, hat am 24.11.2022 erfolgreich ihr Habilitationsverfahren bestanden und am 18.01.2023 die Lehrbefugnis erhalten.
After two years of contributing with videos to the virtual meetings, this year Hendrik Rose could finally go to San Francisco and present a talk at the SPIE Photonics West.
The Federal President of Germany Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier has appointed Professor Christine Silberhorn, Head of the Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems and holder of the Chair of Integrated Quantum Optics at Paderborn University, to the German Science and Humanities Council. The physicist begins her three-year term as a member of Germany’s highest-ranking science policy advisory body on 1 February.
Dr. Hendrik Rose and Prof. Dr. Torsten Meier are giving presenations at the SPIE Photonics West which takes place from 28 January to 01 Februar 2023 in San Francisco. They present their latest research: