
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schumacher

Hei­sen­berg Pro­fes­sor­ship at Pa­der­born Uni­ver­si­ty

With the award of a Heisenberg Professorship from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to Stefan Schumacher in 2015, the new Professorship “Theory of Functional Photonic Structures” was established in the Physics Department at Paderborn University. The Heisenberg Professorship now receives funding for a second funding period. With this continued support, the DFG recognizes the excellent research achievements during the first funding period and the…

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Pu­bli­ca­ti­on (pro­ject C01): Re­con­struc­ting and de­con­struc­ting ul­trafast quan­tum light

Publication (project C01): Reconstructing and deconstructing ultrafast quantum light - group Prof. Silberhorn

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We con­gra­tu­la­te Dr. Do­mi­nik Bred­der­mann for a suc­cess­ful PhD vi­va!

Congratulations to Dr. Dominik Breddermann (project A03) on successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis

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Department of Physics, Paderborn University

Dr. Xu­e­kai Ma (pro­ject A04) wins the best pos­ter award at the PLM­CN con­fe­rence 2018.

Dr. Xuekai Ma (project A04) wins the best poster award at the PLMCN conference 2018.

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Dr. Xuekai Ma
Dr. Xuekai Ma (Dept. Physik, AG Prof. Dr. S. Schumacher)

Pres­ti­gious in­ter­na­ti­o­nal award for Dr. Xu­e­kai Ma

TRR researcher Dr. Xuekai Ma receives a prestigious award from the Chinese government for his PhD studies in theoretical physics.

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Guest scien­tist from the Aus­tra­li­an Na­ti­o­nal Uni­ver­si­ty

Guest scientist from the Australian National University - Dr. Kruk visits the goup of Prof. Zentgraf

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DFG ap­pro­ves se­cond fun­ding pe­ri­od of the TRR 142 from 2018 to 2021

On November 24th 2017, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) approved the continuation of the SFB TRR 142 for the next four years.

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Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn with her PhD students Vahid Ansari (left) and Markus Allgaier (right)

An in­ter­face for dis­si­mi­lar quan­tum sys­tems

Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn and her team (University of Paderborn) recently demonstrated the first device that combines frequency conversion with high efficiency and bandwidth compression of single photons. The device, which is based on non-linear waveguides in Lithium Niobate manufactured in the group in Paderborn, allows to adapt photons from sources in the telecom range to atomic systems in the visible and near-infrared spectrum, paving the…

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2nd In­ter­na­ti­o­nal Work­shop of the SFB/TRR142

On February, 14th/15th 2017, the 2nd International Workshop of the SFB/TRR 142 will take place in Paderborn

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No­bel lau­re­a­te in Phy­sics Pro­fes­sor Shu­ji Na­ka­mu­ra is gi­ving a lec­ture at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Pa­der­born

On November 30th 2016, Professor Shuji Nakamura, laureate of the Nobel prize for Physics in 2014, is giving a special lecture at the University of Paderborn. Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the CeOPP, the TRR 142 and the GRK 1464 managed to invite Professor Nakamura as special guest for this event.

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1st in­ter­na­ti­o­nal work­shop on quan­tum op­tics joint­ly or­ga­ni­zed by the TRR 142 and the TRR 160

The 1st international workshop jointly organized by the CRC/TRR 142 and CRC/TRR 160 aimed at the researchers of the two coordinated programs to discuss the state of the art of quantum optics and quantum dot physics in five tutorials given by highly recommended speakers in the field.

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the team "Nichtlinear", from left to right: Bettina Krüger, Tim Bartley, Michael Friedrich, Dirk Reuter

Team Nicht­li­ne­ar ran at the 5th Cam­pus­lauf 2016

For the first time the runners of the team "Nichtlinear"of the TRR 142 take part in the relay over the distance of 4 x 2.5 km at the Campuslauf 2016 on June 22th at the University of Paderborn. The team peformed by Prof. Dr. Dirk Reuter, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Tim Bartley, M.Sc. Michael Friedrich and Dr. Bettina Krüger finished the relay in the excellent time of 42.28 minutes.

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Ru­les of good scien­ti­fic prac­ti­ce

Since a couple of years the importance of rules of good scientific practice is discussed in all scientific communities. Recently, the “Konferenz der Fachbereiche Physik” (KFP) presented recommendations for good scientific practice during the academic qualification process.

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For a circularly polarized pumping laser passing through the nonlinear optical crystal along its rotation axis, second harmonic generation with opposite spin state has a frequency shifts of ±3Ω. Download (105 KB)

An ex­pe­ri­ment pro­ves 50-year-old theo­ry

The experimental physicist Prof. Thomas Zentgraf and his two colleagues from the University of Birmingham, Dr. Guixin Li and Prof. Shuang Zhang, proved for the first time experimentally the nonlinear rotational Doppler effect of light - nearly 50 years after its theoretical prediction by the Dutch Nobel Laureate Nicolaas Bloembergen.

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The participants of the workshop

TRR 142 Work­shop for PhDs and Post­docs

On November 26/27th 2015 PhDs and postdocs from the TRR142 organized a workshop that addressed exclusively topics and methods of their interests. The workshop took place at the Hotel Esplanade in Dortmund.

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participants of the MBE Workshop 2015 in Paderborn

Ex­perts on Mo­le­cu­lar Be­am Epita­xy from all over Ger­ma­ny met in Pa­der­born

More than 80 participants visited the German-MBE-Workshop 2015 in Paderborn on September 21/22th to discuss the latest developments in Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE).

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Picture (Department of Physics): Controlling light with light. Schematic overview of the novel concept for single photon emission analyzed. The scheme is based on the two-photon emission of the doubly excited state (biexciton) of the semiconductor quantum dot. The emission of one photon is stimulated in a controlled manner. Then, the properties of the second photon (the single photon of interest) are determined and can be tailored as needed.

Con­trol­ling light with light: How to ge­ne­ra­te a sin­gle pho­ton with tai­lo­red pro­per­ties

Within the scope of the Collaborative Research Center TRR 142 “Tailored Nonlinear Photonics”, the research groups of Prof. Dr. Stefan Schumacher and Prof. Dr. Artur Zrenner (both of the Department of Physics, University of Paderborn) developed a novel semiconductor based source of single light particles (or photons) with tailored properties. In the proposed scheme, the properties of the single photon can be flexibly and all-optically controlled.

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TRR142 work­shop for PhDs and post­docs

The second workshop of TRR142, dedicated to the PhD students and postdocs, will take place on November, 26-27th, 2015 in Dortmund.

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journalclub TRR 142

In­itia­ti­on of a new jour­nal­club at the CRC/TRR 142

Initiation of a new journalclub at the CRC/TRR 142 PhD students of the TRR142 recently initiated a new journal club (organized by PhDs for PhDs). They meet regularly during terms to discuss up-to-date papers of their field of interest. The papers will be presented by one of the PhDs and discussed by the participants in a relaxed atmosphere and in the absence of their supervisors. The aim of this journal club is, on the one hand, to broaden…

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When natural occurring nonlinear material is excited by strong laser light the different propagation velocities of light for the different wavelengths result due to destructive interference in a weak signal. In the novel tailored nonlinear material the second harmonic generation is induced in specific structures at nanoscopic scale with a well-defined phase. To obtain such additional phase by each artificial atom the concept of spin rotation coupling of light is used to control the phase of the structure of the material which finally results in a constructive interference and an enhancement of the signal.

No­vel non­li­ne­ar ma­te­ri­al for smal­ler and mo­re ef­fi­cient op­ti­cal de­vices de­ve­lo­ped

Prof. Dr. Thomas Zentgraf and his team (University of Paderborn) has developed in collaboration with researchers from the University of Birmingham a new method to tailor the nonlinear optical properties of artificially structured material. With their new approach completely novel properties of materials can be obtained which cannot be implemented by naturally occurring materials.

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